Sunday, April 15, 2012

Break out the linen

Well....maybe just not yet despite the recent warm trend. But I certainly engaged in a picnic in this fine weekend weather with some friends in Fairmount Park on Sunday. The annual Cherry Blossom Festival was held in the Horticultural Center and was a lovely occasion...despite the lack of many Cherry Blossoms.
It was a good day of listening to traditional Japanese music and watching people. Thankfully, my friend, Jen, warned me what people would also be prime targets for watching. Yes, my friends, Cosplayers attended the festival and were highly entertaining and disturbing at times. I personally opted for the linen and sandals that encompasses my 'beach day' attire and proved a good choice considering the sunburn on my nose. I even caught a glimpse of my future. I chatted with one finely dressed gentleman in straw boater and ascot. His ensemble, complete with pencil mustache, was quite interesting. (I still have no regrets of shaving mine off...yet.)
"It is a wonderful day to get dressed up," he told me.
Not as many people than I would have thought but after detouring through the Park and seeing a regatta on the Schuylkill River and knowing that there was a Flyers game AND Phillies game, I really should not have been so. (Congrats on the wins as well, guys.)
In all, it was a suitable occasion to end my period of under-employment. Tomorrow, I return to the Old Firm and there is no lack of news to cover. Huzzah!

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