I've noticed that the more consumer-friendly a holiday is; the catchier the songs are celebrating it. I do not like them overlapping too much either. I once snapped at a co-worker for playing Christmas music BEFORE Halloween.
With the biggest consumer holiday upon us, I spent Thanksgiving dinner explaining the joys of Radio Hanukkah to my family. They are all Irish Catholic; I was raised in that faith as well but I am a fan of music in general and always curious about other cultures. I even found a CD of Hanukkah music. My family were shocked by my purchase. After cracking a joke about the CD only being $2, they relented.
It was this conversation that began this thought process. Irish get their culture out in public in March. Any love song will do in February. Patriotism runs rampant in the summer time.
But I'm surprised there are no college sports-style fight songs leading up to Black Friday or perhaps some thrash metal as the shoppers scramble for the $2 waffle iron they do not know how to use. It would seem only right considering the ridiculous tactics people used to get the gift of the moment which they will forget come New Year's Day, if that long. Nothing says 'Peace on Earth and Goodwill Toward Men' like getting pepper sprayed while holiday shopping for your family.
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